Its been a busy month and i dont have a chance to update this blog. So i bought this pedal. Why Pearl Eliminator? Why not Tama Iron Cobra (IC)? A lot of people will ask me why that i choose Pearl Eliminator instead of Tama IC. Okay, we go back to 2003 where im with SPFTP and one day we were jam at Soundcheck Studio at Pandan Indah. Fazly told me that the drummer that is currently jam before us (we were waiting for them) is using Tama IC. I was like...Iron Cobra???? WTF?!! So he said that this pedal is the best pedal available in Msia. And i was like.. oooooooooooo... And since then i only know the best pedal is Tama IC. End of story.
And when i bought the drums, i just planning to get cheap pedal as i would only use as practice and not to bring to gig. But then when my first visit to Bentley to look for stands, i am eyeing for Pearl Power Shifter (lower model than Elims) that retailed RM200 just because the look of the pedal. And i swear i dont even know what the hell Power Shifter is! So when i get back, i chatted with a friend that are have a lot of knowledge abt drums. So he said to me, his dream pedal is Eliminator. And i was like "why not Tama IC???" He said he had IC before and when he tried Elims, he just dont want to play IC anymore. Is Elim really that good???? And starting from that, i keep browsing through internet to make an online research for this Eliminator and also starting to save my money for it! :D
and this is the best review i found on internet from TAMA FORUM!!!! Hahahah!
Mr_Mark, Senior Member of Tama Forum.
Posted: 20 March 2006 at 12:31am | IP Logged
Ok well depending on discount situations and where you buy them from, The IC and the Elim will be priced within $10 of each other for all models.
The IC comes in 3 models - Flexi Glide (belt driven), Power Glide, and Rolling Glide. The main feature of the pedal is Beater Level Adjustment INDEPENDENT from the footboard height, as well as footboard height adjustment. The IC is freakin good pedal, id put it equal to the Elim in performance, sturdiness and ability to last you, if you tend to it well it will last a very long time. All models come in Double versions as well.
The Eliminator. It comes in two models, P-2000B and P-2000C, with the B version being belt driven and the C chain driven. The eliminator comes with 4 different shaped cams, starting from fully round to offset (comparable to Rolling glide to Power Glide, with 2 cams in between), you can interchange these cams in a few moments and have a completely different pedal, so i see it as having all the IC models rolled into one. It also has the PowerShifter feature, and what this does is let you move the heelplate/footboard assembly backwards and forwards on the base plate, and that changes the feel from light to powerful - its a great feature and really helps in creating the feel you want. The pedal has Beater level adjustment but this also moves the footboard up and down, but there is a footboard height adjustment as well. The footboard also has a grip plate that you can adjust, turn around, decrease/increase grip on (this is on the footboard) Also, there are 2 optional cams for totally different feels, and any model is convertable from belt drive to chain drive and vice versa. The double is also easily converted to two singles.
Now... Personally i find the eliminator a better pedal (hence i bought one), but if the IC offers the perfect feel for you, then there is no need to buy the Eliminator. But i bought the elim cos i had no idea what feel i wanted in a pedal, (i had a general idea, but nothing specific) after playing around with my pedal i have one hella sweet setting perfect for my needs.
So for conclusion, if you buy Eliminator, you can utilize it to the maximum to suits your need. You can change the pedal position, change the cam feel, have quadbeater that have 4 types of beater, and a very strong build and very rigid body. Beginner or Pro, Punk or Classic; you will love this pedal. And after i tried it, i might configure my setting a bit and no doubt its the smoothest pedal ive ever tried. Period!
Power Shifter
Spring adjustment
Dual Chain.
Semi Hard case(not plastic hard case like IC that can break if you drop it)
the pearl drum key
chad smith use it. hehee